Grundarstígur 18 - Kennarahúsið á Flateyri

Flateyri is a fishing village situated 20 minutes away from Ísafjörður, the capital of the Westfjords. The fjord Önundarfjörður is one of the prettiest in Iceland as it offers a closed range of beautiful mountains, a natural beach created by the tides, and a fantastic western orientation to enjoy the sunset and long and white summer nights.

Services of the village include kindergarden, primary and secondary school (6-16 years), a new folk high school, coffee houses, summer bistrot, swimming-pool open all year around, harbour, gas station, express supermarket. During recent years a creative community of artists (film-makers, actors, musicians), craftsmen and academics has settled in the village where newcomers are warmly welcome. A cosmopolitan flair of people of diverse origin and cultural background  (France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Philipines, US, UK, Spain to name a few) who mingle with the locals in the local pub/bistrot, local festivities or simply when the sun shines or somebody  needs a helping hand. Children play happily outside and love to jump in the Giant jump pillow. Some recent popular Icelandic feature movies have been filmed in this spectacular village: Paris of the North (2014), Sparrows (2015).

Grundarstígur 18, oftast kallað kennarahúsið, var íbúðarhús Hjartar Hjálmarssonar og fjölskyldu hans. Hjörtur var skólastjóri grunnskólans á Flateyri og síðasti heiðursborgari Flateyrarhrepps.

The house situated in Grundarstígur 18 is often referred to as the "The teachers´ house" as the School Master Hjörtur Hjálmarsson lived there with his family.

Grundarstígur 18

 Grundarstígur 18


Back of the house




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 Boats in Flateyri

Grundarstígur á FlateyriFlateyri and the fjord

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